Our Values

Know the creed we live by.

We believe in reason and justice

Reason and justice always prevail (never the position, academic degree or age), rejecting corruption.  

We believe in our human talent

We reject discrimination, motivate and train our collaborators permanently.

We believe in the pursuit of perfection

 We solve problems in the most optimal way.

We believe in punctuality

Software development with 100% adherence to the schedule

We believe in creativity

We propose viable solutions that we understand. We think solutions out of the box guaranteeing our developments and responding to them.

We believe in promptness to action

Each collaborator is motivated to be proactive and responsible. We maintain an immediate response to solve problems.

Our team

Meet the people who make it all possible.

Our knowledges

We are proud to have the following recognitions and distinctions

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year
Winner of the Tecnos Nuevo León 4.0 award
Cemex Ventures Top 5
Selected in Enlace Program
1er place, Hackathon TalentLand 2019
Part of Inception - Artificial Int.
Pro Magazine ed. 2020, 2021, 2022
Innovation in Artificial Intelligence
Leader in Innovation - TNE Magazine
CMMI Dev Level 3 Certification
ISO-IEC 29110 certification
Training in Innovation and Quality